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kristin-cavallari-interview.jpgNY postのインタビュー読みました。

PW: You mentioned earlier that being on reality TV makes it hard for you to book movies, then why return to "The Hills"?
Kristin: It was a really hard choice for me. MTV's been asking me to do it for years. I 100% want to be an actress, but with "Van Wilder: Freshman Year" coming out and a few other movies, I thought this would be an exciting way for my fans to reconnect with me because they haven't seen what I've been up to since "Laguna Beach." I thought it would help and, after all, it's what made me famous int he first place.

PW: Has your small appearance in the season finale affected the way casting directors see you yet?
Kristin: I haven't been able to audition for anything since contractually MTV won't let me. But I'll telly you this, I've gotten a lot more phone calls about going on other shows since.

 PW: Did you always want to be an actress?
Kristin: I always wanted to, but I just never thought it was a realistic goal. I was in Chicago and Colorado before that, so I never thought I had a shot. But when these opportunities arose, I thought, why not.

PW: So if "Laguna" never happened, what would you be doing now?
Kristin: I would have gone to college to study broadcast journalism. I wanted to go to Emerson College and would have tried to become a news anchor.

PW: Did you ever go to college?
Kristin: I went to one class at Loyola Marymount. I took public speaking where we went around the room and everyone had to say their name. I said, "Hi, I'm Kristin Cavallari from Laguna Beach" and that's when "Laguna" was actually on TV, so I just decided it wasn't the right time.

PW: Do you want to go back to college eventually?
Kristin: No. Even in high school ... it was just enough. I'm really happy with what I'm doing. I read a lot of books, you know. So, no. I have no urge to go back to college.

 PW: Down the road, where do you see your career going?
Kristin: I want to do great movies that are number one at the box office and also independent movies that are dark and miserable. I see myself with a career like Cameron Diaz -- she does "What Happens in Vegas" and then "My Sister's Keeper," so I want to do it all!

PW: Is she your biggest inspiration?
Kristin: Cameron is number one, but I also like Charlize Theron and Sienna Miller ... I'm going off looks too [laughs].

PW: This is the biggest role you've ever had in a movie, are you excited for people to see you differently?
Kristin: I'm so excited, I can't wait for people to see this movie and take me seriously as an actress. I was so nervous during filming but I fought for this role. I want people to love it.

PW: How has being back on reality TV been for you?
Kristin: Well, we've only filmed for two weeks, so it's hard to say, but I can tell you that it's ... everyone's been ... it's been hard for them to adjust to me I think. So that in and of itself has caused a lot of drama.

 PW: Is it weird going from a legit movie to doing loosely scripted reality TV?
Kristin: With "The Hills," they have everything down to such a science, you don't have to think about blocking. But doing "The Hills" has made me want to act so badly. I need a challenge and kinda feel like "The Hills" is taking me a step backwards. But that just makes me want to act that much more and try that much harder.

PW: So we shouldn't expect to see you starring on "The Hills" in 2020?
Kristin: God no [laughs]. I would have not signed up for that. I'm only tied in to two seasons ... so we'll see how things play out.

NY post Kristin Cavallari



前に書いたKristin Cavallari関連5月16日


incc8c8329.jpg NY

leighton&Jessica プライベートで仲良しっぽい☆


こちらに写真いっぱい(^v^)→popsugar popsugar



Vanessa in Toronto: Is it true Chuck and Blair are gonna try to have a threesome on Gossip Girl? Tell me they won't go through with it and that it might bring some sexy time for these two? I think we need it as much as they do.
You guys come up with all the best rumors! Our sources tell us there's no threesome between Chuck, Blair and a third player to be named later, but there are a lot of C&B sexcapades happening in Gossip Girl season three. And white-hot angry sex is on the list.

Kelly in Montana: Any scoop on Olivia and Dan's relationship on Gossip Girl?
The newest fabulous Upper East Sider, Olivia (Hilary Duff), likes that Dan doesn't recognize her as a famous movie star.

Clarice in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Any news about Jenny on Gossip Girl?
Jenny's going to have to defend her queendom against the mean girls. Makes sense. Mean girls don't usually surrender the spotlight so easily.

Adam in N.Y.:  Anything on Carter Baizen since Sebastian Stan's show Kings is kaput? Is he back on Gossip Girl? He's shady.
Shady Carter is going to be hooking up with Serena! Yes, Serena van der Woodsen and Carter Baizen are going to try to make a go of it in season three of Gossip Girl. Forgive us if we're not optimistic about their long-term prospects.


だってcarter役のsebastian stanってblair役のleightonのプライベートでの恋人。
それをserena役のblakeとhook upってなんか余計なこと考えずにいられない視聴者真理狙ってる?笑

Kiera in San Diego: Got any new scoop on Gossip Girl?
We sure do. Thanks to Gossip Girl show runner Josh Schwartz, who tells us: "Well, you know Georgina (Michelle Trachtenberg) is coming back even though she is at Mercy. She is going to have a very unexpected roommate and a very unexpected love interest." Start hitting the comments with your ideas for that unexpected love interest. And hey, if you were wondering if it's hard for Josh to juggle both G.G. and Chuck, wonder no more: "I'm really lucky that both shows have great staffs, crews, writers and producers, so I just go where I'm needed." There you have it.



On whether Georgina dates Dan in the new season: "Georgina is definitely a man-eater. And there will be a man in her life, and it’s a boy that we know. I asked for all three, but Josh Schwartz is a real stickler. He only let me have one. So you’ll have to find out."

On her favorite part about playing Georgina: "She’s phenomenal! I mean to be able to have that sort of crazy behavior, that sort of over-the-top maliciousness, that revenge-seeking everything, but to have someone patting you on the back at the end of the day and say good job and to not have to deal with any repercussions is phenomenal. Also, of course, my wardrobe is out of this world. It’s so fantastic! Eric Daman is a god and it keeps getting better and better every episode. I just had a fitting yesterday and it’s just like, I don’t want to leave."


しかしgeorginaのunexpected loveのお相手って誰?

とりあえず次回作の情報&HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCEのレビューとか読んで気持ちを高めてます笑

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter 7)(UK) 


Director David Yates and the cast are about five months into shooting the two halves of the film, scheduled for November 19, 2010 and July 15, 2011, and he mentioned that they would have very different looks even though he's using the same crew. He told ComingSoon.net in an exclusive interview after the press conference that they've shot roughly 85% of Part 1 and 10% of Part 2, the latter due to the availability of the actors.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsは二つに分けるんですね~。
今harry potter and the half-blood princeは公開中だけどもうとっくに次回作撮影してるんですもんね~。スケジュール凄そう・・。

Earlier, Yates gave an idea about what the feel will be for the two parts of the final movie, which should be very different from Half-Blood Prince or anything that came before. "The first movie is a road movie basically, and it's quite intense and very raw and we're way away from Hogwarts, and it's a bit like three refugees being pursued across the landscape by these terrible Death Eaters. We're really enjoying it actually. It feels very different. What's hard about coming back to 'Half-Blood Prince' is we finished it about a year ago or less. It's weird coming back. The first one is very verité and documentary and edgy and on the road, and the second part is a big opera basically, a great big epic with huge battles and very oddly moving, because it concludes the whole saga really. So they're two very different films."



Watson also mentioned that her and Rupert Grint have already filmed their big kissing scene two weeks ago. "It was not something we were really looking forward to," said Grint. "It was quite a strenuous day to have to go in and think about doing, but I think it was alright in the end."

"Yeah," Watson agreed. "David doesn't really let us watch playback but he let us watch playback under the circumstance because I think Rupert and I were quite nervous that it might look ingenuous, as we were so desperate to get it over with. I think Rupert and I felt the pressure of this kiss, and (for) the fans, this is like ten years worth of tension, hormones and chemistry and everything in one moment and we had to ace it, so it was like 'Oh God' but hopefully we did it."


from here


それからdrac役tom felton君のseventeenのQ&Aみたいなやつも読みました☆

Who's your celebrity crush?

Megan Fox. I'm being suckered in by the Transformers pictures right now. I've seen her on the red carpet and in pictures, and she does look gorgeous. I'm glad my girlfriend's not in the room to hear me say that.

彼の彼女sexyだもんね。megan foxって超納得。
d12a77f0.jpgtom felton君の彼女

What's your TV guilty pleasure?

Here's one that not even my girlfriend knows. She makes me watch all sorts of things, and Gossip Girl is her favorite program. She's die-hard for Gossip Girl. So she's made me watch it for three or four episodes now, but now when she's not there, I watch it alone.

What's the chick flick you secretly love?

The Notebook. My girlfriend got me into it, but the way the story is told is beautiful. I've watched it about three or four times now. I didn't cry, even though my girlfriend was crying all the way through it. It wasn't a sad film; it was a beautiful film.

わぉ、私もthe notebook大好きです。
趣味が合う~(強引ダロ)      seventeen interview


on set filming anna and the king! wow this was ages ago! i love looking back at old baby pictures!

メディアに登場するの楽しみにしてます(^v^)  cinematoday


one tree hill peyton役hilarie burtonの降板についてのインタビュー

There are a lot of rumors flying about why you're leaving. What's the truth?

HILARIE BURTON:There really wasn't a lot of turmoil. It was a fabulous six-year run, which is how long my contract was for, and I feel really lucky to have been a part of the show. So when I hear that there's turmoil or negotiations based on money it kind of hurts my feelings, because it's not what's been going on at all. I think my fan base in particular knows that money isn't necessarily a big motivator for me, that's why I work in the world of independent film. 

hilarie-burton-20070325-230777.jpgHow long have you known that you were leaving?

BURTON: I've known for a little while. For me, it was definitely an emotional decision. And a professional decision as well. I got really, really lucky. One Tree Hill was my very first television audition; it was a fairytale. I feel really lucky to have that level of success right out of the gate.

Just so I'm clear, it was your decision to leave, not the other way around?
BURTON: I think everyone was kind of agreeable about the situation. There were a lot of really wonderful conversations. It wasn't a rash decision; a lot of thought, emotion, and kindness was put into it. I would hope that that's the story that gets out -- that it was a bunch of adults being good to each other and being kind about the decision-making process.






前に書いたone tree hill関連→5月17日 5月13日

少し前から気になるtaylor swift

発言も面白い(jonas brothersのjoeと別れた時の真相話は爆笑)だし彼女のtwitterが面白いしかわいい。
love storyの歌詞とか素敵だしour songのPVなんてほんと美形過ぎて溜息だしyou blog with meのPVはかわい過ぎ!






「Sitting in the hotel room, wishing I could telepathically turn off the lights. Still trying..」

そのあと「Trying to turn off the lights with my mind is not working. It appears I might actually have to get up and physically turn them off. Lame.」あっ、諦めたみたいな笑

他にはMaking crepes for the first time, this is life changing.
I need to try that! So far, my favorite crepe topping is cake frosting. And rainbow sprinkles. Yes, I know.... I'm five.


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