one tree hill peyton役hilarie burtonの降板についてのインタビュー
There are a lot of rumors flying about why you're leaving. What's the truth?
HILARIE BURTON:There really wasn't a lot of turmoil. It was a fabulous six-year run, which is how long my contract was for, and I feel really lucky to have been a part of the show. So when I hear that there's turmoil or negotiations based on money it kind of hurts my feelings, because it's not what's been going on at all. I think my fan base in particular knows that money isn't necessarily a big motivator for me, that's why I work in the world of independent film.
How long have you known that you were leaving?
BURTON: I've known for a little while. For me, it was definitely an emotional decision. And a professional decision as well. I got really, really lucky. One Tree Hill was my very first television audition; it was a fairytale. I feel really lucky to have that level of success right out of the gate.
Just so I'm clear, it was your decision to leave, not the other way around?
BURTON: I think everyone was kind of agreeable about the situation. There were a lot of really wonderful conversations. It wasn't a rash decision; a lot of thought, emotion, and kindness was put into it. I would hope that that's the story that gets out -- that it was a bunch of adults being good to each other and being kind about the decision-making process.
前に書いたone tree hill関連→5月17日 5月13日
one tree hill peyton役hilarie burtonの降板についてのインタビュー
There are a lot of rumors flying about why you're leaving. What's the truth?
HILARIE BURTON:There really wasn't a lot of turmoil. It was a fabulous six-year run, which is how long my contract was for, and I feel really lucky to have been a part of the show. So when I hear that there's turmoil or negotiations based on money it kind of hurts my feelings, because it's not what's been going on at all. I think my fan base in particular knows that money isn't necessarily a big motivator for me, that's why I work in the world of independent film.
BURTON: I've known for a little while. For me, it was definitely an emotional decision. And a professional decision as well. I got really, really lucky. One Tree Hill was my very first television audition; it was a fairytale. I feel really lucky to have that level of success right out of the gate.
Just so I'm clear, it was your decision to leave, not the other way around?
BURTON: I think everyone was kind of agreeable about the situation. There were a lot of really wonderful conversations. It wasn't a rash decision; a lot of thought, emotion, and kindness was put into it. I would hope that that's the story that gets out -- that it was a bunch of adults being good to each other and being kind about the decision-making process.
前に書いたone tree hill関連→5月17日 5月13日