meganのaccountはコレ→megan fox twitter
sexy過ぎるからいろいろ言われてたけどmeganて意外とbrian austin greenと結婚する前もclub遊びの写真なんかがとられたりとかはないしindoorって言ってた気がするしイメージとは全然違うdown to earthな人に思えるわぁ。
megan foxがtwitterに参戦ということで凄く嬉しかったけど開始数日でfacebookにやっぱり辞める宣言・・泣
Some of you may, or may not have noticed by now that my Twitter account has been shut down...
I thought that 2013 might be the year that I finally blossomed into a social networking butterfly... but as it turns out I still hate it.
Love you guys but I will just never be that girl. Facebook is as much as I can handle.
#I'm Sorry
twitterでも最後のtweetが5 days on Twitter and I have yet to discern it's purpose.#WhatIsThePoint ???
だしmeganの中でwhat the point?だったんだと思われ。でもfacebookは更新してくれるらしいのでよかったー。
megan foxがtwitterに参戦ということで凄く嬉しかったけど開始数日でfacebookにやっぱり辞める宣言・・泣
Some of you may, or may not have noticed by now that my Twitter account has been shut down...
I thought that 2013 might be the year that I finally blossomed into a social networking butterfly... but as it turns out I still hate it.
Love you guys but I will just never be that girl. Facebook is as much as I can handle.
#I'm Sorry
twitterでも最後のtweetが5 days on Twitter and I have yet to discern it's purpose.
だしmeganの中でwhat the point?だったんだと思われ。でもfacebookは更新してくれるらしいのでよかったー。